The player will start out with most of the blueprints they need for a basic Seabase at bare minimum one needs an I Compartment, a Hatch, and a power generator (the Solar Panel is unlocked by default). In all Game Modes except Creative Mode, entering a Seabase secures the player's inventory, so if the player dies, they will return to the last Seabase' they visited and keep all the items in their inventory that they had when they were there (unless they later enter the Drop Pod). Thus Seabases provide safe havens away from the Shallow Twisty Bridges the player starts in. Within a seabase, the player can construct additional storage space, grow food, access appliances not available in the Drop Pod, and add aesthetic options. Seabases are installations created by the player through the use of the Habitat Builder.Ī Seabase provides an area where the Player can return for oxygen, and serves as an alternative to the Drop Pod as a base of operations. Click here for information on this subject in Subnautica.
This article is about Seabases in Below Zero.